Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New ""KAKI"" in my life ;D (Year 2012)

My passport & "cloth" for passport! ♥

Yeah~!! There is it! ;D

I think I'm childish, because I repeat and repeat to hold my new KAKI, check for it once, twice..... Hahahahahaha XD

爱不释手!!!! ♥

It's my 1st passport in my life, so I'm truly excited! Weeee~~~~ Ya!

In the other hand, my cousin (her name's baobei) come to my hometown with her mum. They live in JB before, but the fees in kindergarten in JB is times expensive than in Yong Peng. So, us decided to let them live with us, in 1 house, same room with me :D YAY!!!!!! New member!!!! In the beginning I can't be "normal" with them around, and insomnia at the first 2 days they come. But, God know me, so well, so precious! ♥ Last night when they have a talk in the phone with her husband, her dad, I felt how warm it is the family. (Tears~~~~~~) Touch a!!!!!!!! And seriously my cousin same as me when I'm child. She's like to laugh without reason, jump here and there, run over the house, like to eat, and etc... I said to my mummy:"We have to look after a small Jia En now! Haha. " 




And for the new year, I promised {Daddy in Heaven} that I will continue my ling xiu+ reading Bible+ pray everyday. Because I have to do what He taught in Bible.

[他喜爱的是耶和华的律法,他昼夜默诵的也是耶和华的律法。他像一棵树,栽在溪水旁,按时结果子,叶子总不苦干;他所作的一切,尽都顺利。] 诗篇 1:2-3

 [我将你的话藏在心里, 免得我得罪你。] 诗篇119:11

My lovely precious corner in men xun!!!! I'll never forget to link them in my blog post, right? I got so many many many many & many words from the bottom of my heart wanna tell u guys. I know I must focus in my study in nursing then, so I will decrease the time on FB & Blog. I will done the words in kind of typing in blog before I go Singapore. Patiently waiting for it, k? Hope u guys will like+ love+ reply it to me(if can la~~) Anyway, love u guys this
much! Weeeee~~~~~ Hug hug~~~~~~

God bless always! Tata!

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